Concert Hall
Regentschapsstraat 30a – 1000 Brussel
- Number of seats: 600
- Stage dimensions: depth 16 m x width 11,70 m
Available in the hall
- 2 steinway-concertwings
- model D. Orgel: not in use
- Orchestmaterial: chairs, music stands, material for speeches: microphones, speakers,..
- Artistlounge with piano's
Prices and costs
To be requested by mail, see below.

Exposition Hall
Regentschapsstraat 30a – 1000 Brussel
This hall can also be rented for receptions after a concert. Number of places: 150
Available in the hall
- Piano and sound equipment (for speeches)
Prices and costs
To be requested by mail, see below.

Small Concert Hall
Kleine Zavel 5 – 1000 Brussel
- Number of places : 100 (retractable stands)
- Podium dimensions : depth 6 m x width 10 m
Available in the Hall
- Orchestramaterial: chairs, music stands, lights, soundequipment.
- 2 Steinway Concertwings model D
Prices & costs
To be requested by mail, see below.
For all information concerning the rental of the halls of the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, you can contact Stefaan Guilliams.
e-mail: stefaan.guilliams@ehb.be
tel.: +32 477 89 07 08