Student Council

What is the Student Council of the KCB and what can we do for you?


We are a varied group of students from all corners of the Conservatorium. We are highly motivated and are doing our utmost for all our fellow students.  Language, nationality, age, department, year or instrument does not matter in the least:  everyone is welcome!  We meet once a month and make sure that all information relating to the Conservatorium reaches the students and that all questions from students are answered. 


Most of us are student representatives, which means we represent your interests in all the different councils and committees at the Conservatorium and the Erasmus Hogeschool. So we are the link between the different councils and the students, who can come to us with their questions.  In this way, we can tell you which council can deal with your problem.  

The student council also doubles as the party committee.  We organise all extracurricular activities (including the opening bash, the gala ball, etc.) and see to good contacts between the different students.  It is therefore worth the effort for first-year or Erasmus students to come and have a look at one of these parties…


To get everything to run smoothly, we need your help.  If you feel like lending a hand to organise our parties, man the cash register, act as DJ, etc., we can most certainly use your help! Our different councils and committees need new people every year, so let us know if you are interested.

As already said: If you have any questions about the Conservatorium, don’t hesitate to contact us.

How? Very simple: just send an e-mail to or have a chat with us in the corridor.

The student representatives (STUVERS) of the department of KCB

  • Alejandro Martens
  • Beatriz Rolão Candeias Cubeles Lousan
  • Free Van Hee
  • Gilles Van den Cruyce
  • Karsten Ferket
  • Lauren Baucum
  • Mariana Viela
  • Mats Proost