Les Synthétistes | Concert Muziekkapel v/d Luchtmacht & Hauts-de-France Brass Band

Les Synthétistes | Concert & Doctoraadsverdediging
Event in spotlight
Concert: Concert Hall, Regentschapsstraat 30, 1000 Brussels | Doctorate Defence: Room 071, Kleine Zavel 5, 1000 Brussels
Concert: €3,00 | Doctorate Defence: free entrance

Public doctorate defence | 21.06 | 10:00

Theme: context and musical modernism in the repertoire for wind orchestra of Paul Gilson and Les Synthétistes during the fin de siècle and interwar period in Brussels.

Doctorate of Luc Vertommen, PhD student in the arts.

Concert | 20.06 | 20:00


The Muziekkapel van de Luchtmacht & Hauts-de-France Brass Band

Artistic direction

Luc Vertommen


Klaas Coulembier

  • Paul Gilson
    • Valse symphonique nr.1
  • Marcel Poot
    • Trois fanfares à la mémoire d’Emile Vandervelde 
  • Christian Brant
    • Diary of a Madman (Brussels premiere)

By Hauts-de-France Brass Band

Hauts-de-France Brass Band KCB 2023


  • Maurice Schoemaker
    • Brueghel Suite
  • René Bernier 
    • Epitaphe
  • Francis de Bourguignon
    • Récitatif et Ronde with soliost: Michaël Tambour on trumpet
  • Jules Strens
    • Gil blas

By the Muziekkapel van de Luchtmacht


  • Gaston Brenta
    • In Memoriam Paul Gilson
  • Théo Dejoncker
    • Charles Stratton

By the Muziekkapel van de Luchtmacht & Hauts-de-France Brass Band

Discount Rates

Which ticket should I book (€3 / €0)?

For whom is it €0?
This event is free for children under the age of 12 years old. It is also free for employees and students of KCBCrBRITCS and EhB. Make sure to bring the adequate proof of identity.

For whom is it €3?
All persons outside the categories mentioned above, will have to book a ticket at the price of €3.

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